The Film Fund forms part of the Capital Region’s strategy to – among other things – create a brand for the region internationally, as well as to attract, develop and sustain jobs and workplaces in the creative sector.

The Film Fund is an important player in attracting film productions and international investment into the area, which can contribute to creating growth and employment in the Capital Region.  The capital and its surrounding area has a large pool of creative talent, world class production companies and a strong infrastructure – in short, everything needed to attract international film productions. The Fund is able to contribute by bringing these together and creating a single portal into this community, as well as marketing the region abroad in a positive way, thereby giving added impetus to the film and TV business.

In addition, the Fund will be able to contribute support to regional initiatives by participating in projects and partnerships in entrepreneurship, education, research, tourism and international relations.



Hen­rik Mad­sen
T: 38 66 55 15 / 29 60 65 36

Christina Teik Chris­tensen
T: tlf. 24 82 24 31

